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Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology. Vol. 40, No. 2, 2022

Quality Characteristics of Calcium Fortified Yogurt Prepared with Milk Mineral
우유무기질을 첨가하여 제조한 칼슘 강화 요구르트의 품질 특성
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2022;40(2):57-65.
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Sensory Qualities of Non-Dairy and Dairy Products Fortified with Aloe Oil: A Preliminary Study
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2022;40(2):66-75.
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Organoleptic Properties of Cow Milk, Yoghurt, Kefir, and Soy Milk When Combined with Broccoli Oil: A Preliminary Study
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2022;40(2):76-85.
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Complete Genome Sequence of Chryseobacterium mulctrae KACC 21234T: A Potential Proteolytic and Lipolytic Bacteria Isolated from Bovine Raw Milk
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2022;40(2):86-91.
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