List of Articles

Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology. Vol. 38, No. 1, 2020

Development of Lactose-Free Dairy Products Effective against Lactose Intolerance: Present and Future
유당불내증에 효과적인 유당이 없는 낙농 유제품의 개발: 현재와 미래
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2020;38(1):1-18.
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Control of Allergy with Probiotics and Its Safety
프로바이오틱스에 의한 알레르기 질환 제어 및 안전성
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2020;38(1):19-26.
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Preventive Effects of Dairy Products on Dementia and Cognitive Decline
유제품의 치매 및 인지기능 저하 예방 효과
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2020;38(1):27-36.
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Antimicrobial Activity of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Roselle) Powder against Food-Borne Pathogens Present in Dairy Products: Preliminary Study
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2020;38(1):37-44.
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All about Milk: Based on an Information in 1927
우유에 관한 모든 것: 1927년 발간된 자료를 바탕으로
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2020;38(1):45-52.
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Antimicrobial Substance of Lactobacillus johnsonii PF01
락토바실러스 존소니 PF01 균주 유래 항균 활성
J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 2020;38(1):53-57.
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